會計及薪資委外服務 Accounting and Payroll Outsourcing

  • 中國資產繼承、贈與服務 China Asset Succession Services
  • 中國、香港公司設立及股東權益規劃 China and Hong Kong company formation and shareholders' equity planning
  • 符合反避稅下的貿易鏈規劃 Trade Chain Planning for Anti-Avoidance Compliance
  • 台灣投審會申報服務 Taiwan Investment Promotion Agency (TIPA) Reporting Service
  • 公司章程、制度建立 Articles of Incorporation, Institutional Establishment
  • 公司記賬報稅、節稅規劃服務 Company tax preparation, tax saving planning service
  • 進出口企業退稅申報服務 Import and export enterprises tax return filing service
  • 進出口企業退稅申報服務 Import and export enterprises tax return filing service
  • 公司年度財稅審計、年檢服務 Company Annual Financial Audit, Annual Inspection Service
  • 工商變更備案登記 Registration of Business Changes
  • 公司資產評估、買賣服務 Company Asset Valuation, Trading Services
  • 公司股權買賣服務 Company share trading services
  • 公司撤資、清算註銷服務 Company Divestment, Liquidation and Deregistration Services
  • 不動產買賣、過戶登記服務 Real estate sale and purchase, transfer and registration services