投資諮詢及工商登記服務 Investment and Registration Services

  • 投資諮詢服務Investment Consulting Services
    • 國內外投資架構規劃諮詢 Domestic and foreign investment structure planning consultation
    • 外商外僑來台投資規劃與申請Investment application for overseas Chinese or foreigner Application for foreign investment in Taiwan
    • 投資法令之諮詢Advisory on investment, industrial and commercial regulations
    • 各項投審會申報事宜 Investment Board of Ministry of Economic Affairs reporting
    • 企業併購諮詢與盡職調查服務 Mergers/acquisitions consulting and due diligence service
    • 公司解散註銷清算 Dissolution, deregistration and liquidation of Company
  • 工商登記服務Industrial& Business Registration Services
    • 公司設立型態及公司法規諮詢Consultations on modes of incorporation and related regulations of Company Act
    • 台灣公司行號、台灣子公司、分公司、辦事處、工廠設立及變更登記Change of Taiwan registration for companies, subsidiaries, branches, representative offices, and factories
    • 國外公司設立及變更登記Setting up of foreign companies and change of registration
    • 特許行業之設立登記Registration and setup of chartered businesses
    • 外籍人員工作許可及居留申請 Work permit and residence application